
MFTransparency Partners with The MasterCard Foundation to Promote a Fair and Transparent Microfinance Industry in Eight African Countries

MFTransparency today announced a partnership with The MasterCard Foundation to promote fair and transparent pricing in the microfinance industry in eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The effort, known as the enabling APR & EIR Program, will launch in June. The enabling APR & EIR Program is short for enabling Africa to Price Responsibly & Educate on Interest Rates. A client protection effort of unprecedented scale in Africa, the project will raise awareness of transparent pricing issues in Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa and Mozambique. The main objective of the enabling APR & EIR Program is to promote improved consumer protection principles through microfinance product pricing transparency. It will include three major components: the collection and publication of pricing data, training on pricing transparency, and the development and dissemination of educational materials. Read More

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