
Secondary Education Prepares Young People for the Future of Work in Africa

Leaders in Teaching Initiative Invests in Teachers and School Leaders

The story of secondary education in Africa is one of duality, characterized by both important advances and persistent challenges. In the past decade, Africa has achieved some of the biggest gains in secondary school enrolment, compared to other regions in the world. African countries are committed to universal education and many now include several years of secondary school in their national targets. The African Union has committed to the Continental Education Strategy for Africa, which sets ambitious education goals and underscores the key role that education must play in fostering a new generation of change agents for sustainable development. However, while enrolment figures have been increasing, the quality of learning remains extremely low. Millions of graduating students lack the necessary knowledge and skills needed to access fulfilling employment, and dropout and repetition rates remain high.

This requires a shift in focus from not only increasing access but to also improving quality and learning outcomes in secondary education. In response, we are launching the Leaders in Teaching initiative. Our aim with this initiative is squarely on the teachers in the classroom and the leaders in the schools.

Here’s why: teachers are the key. Teachers are the front-line of education delivery and reach thousands of students over their careers. We know that they are the single most important school-based factor in improving learning. Investing in even one teacher can improve secondary education outcomes, and improve life and livelihood opportunities for thousands of youth.

Secondary education comes at a critical juncture in a young person’s life, when judgment and life skills are further shaped and strengthened. Research shows that high quality, relevant secondary education plays a significant role in alleviating poverty and improving young people’s employment prospects.

By 2030, there will be more than 375 million young people in Africa’s workforce. Meaningful work on the continent will require the development of young professionals who can blend digital skills and soft skills with traditional subject-expertise. As Africa’s economies flourish, it is critical that high-quality education at the secondary level effectively prepares young people to participate in the continent’s growth.

Leaders in Teaching is a pan-African investment in secondary education that prepares young people for success. We are making long-term, targeted investments in teachers at all stages: from recruitment to continuous training to school leadership. Leaders in Teaching will also elevate the status of the teaching profession by motivating and recognizing excellent teachers. Through consultation and collaboration with local and national stakeholders in the countries in which the program is implemented, the initiative will transform teaching and learning at the secondary level.

Teachers will lead the way in addressing gaps in education quality in Africa by delivering up-to-date, relevant curricula using contemporary teaching practices that focus on the needs of the student.




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